Hands up: does anyone else start thinking about their morning cup of coffee the night before?!?! Some people are surprised to hear that, being a Naturopath, I'm a coffee drinker. Here is how I make sure my morning cup of beauty is as healthy as possible:
First of all, coffee is generally heavily sprayed with pesticides, so make sure that the coffee you purchase is organic. If you missed my video about which foods I think are most important to buy organic, you can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC-HupFBuus.
Second of all, mycotoxins are a type of fungus that are often found on coffee (even before it expires), so you want to keep your coffee in the fridge or freezer. I keep the whole beans in the freezer, and grind enough for a bout 3-4 days at a time, and keep that in a mason jar in the fridge.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that while coffee itself actually has some health benefits, a lot of the things that people add to their coffee are unhealthy. Don't load it up with a bunch of sugar and artificial flavors/sweeteners. I add a little pure, organic maple syrup to my coffee (and sometimes some macadamia nut milk).
Since mold thrives in a dark environment with moisture, make sure that you keep your coffee pot clean and dry.
Lastly, you know those plastic individual coffee pods that a lot of people are using these days? Plastic, especially when heated is a known endocrine disruptor (plastic and hormones are not friends!). Swap out the plastic pods for a re-usable stainless steel mesh cup that you can refill.
A few interesting facts:
According to the Blood Type Diet, coffee is beneficial for people with type A blood. Bonus!
Here is where I may lose some of you, but coffee should be enjoyed in moderation. When it's consumed too much (I try to keep my coffee-drinking clients to one cup a day), it can put stress on certain body systems.
Coffee can be dehydrating as well, so where the goal should normally be half of your weight in ounces of water a day, for every cup of caffeine you drink, you should add an extra cup of water.
Enjoy your morning brew. Cheers!
Kelly Cullen, ND
Pleasant Wellness